Hello again!
At this time I’ll write about an important Systems Monitor Dashboard (sysMonDash o SMD) update, which includes new features and code and performance improvements.
To begin with, say that it has been turned into a multi-backend application, which means that it’s possible to show the events from several monitoring systems. Actually there are three working ones: Nagios, Icinga y Zabbix,.
It’s possible to add more backends (with some coding) thanks to the data abstraction at the visual layer.
With Nagios and Icinga we have two possibilities: through the mk_livestatus plugin and through parsing the “status.dat” file (which is automatically generated by Nagios/icinga). The first option is the recommended one, because it allows to retrieve more data (hosts alias, scheduled downtimes, etc) and the response time is much better.
For the Zabbix backend connection, the XMLRPC APi is used for the 2.2.3 and 2.4.3 versions.
About the other features:
- Web configuration for all the options.
- Configuration security by generating a random hash and storing the configuration data in a place outside the web server service public root.
- Hosts filtering to show at the main view.
- Services filtering to NOT show at the main view.
- Critical items selection to always show them.
- Scheduled downtimes detection and their visualization at the main view.
- Multilanguage, available in Spanish and English and allowing an easy translation.
And as always…it’s Open Source (GNU GPL v3), written in PHP+JS and it doesn’t require any dependency installation.
Download: https://github.com/nuxsmin/sysMonDash/releases
Wiki: https://github.com/nuxsmin/sysMonDash/wiki
Demo: http://sysmondash.cygnux.org/

SMD Main View

SMD Configuration